It is barely possible to rock any hairstyle without healthy edges. 

The edges are the most seen part of the hair and for this, any perfection/imperfection will be noticed hence the essence of proper knowledge on the best methods of taking care of the edges. 

That's what this article is about so let's get started! 

First, the causes of hair loss on the edges are;

  1. PRODUCTS AND TOOLS: When it comes to products, most of them contain chemicals which are harmful to the hair. Also tools used on the hair especially heat tools can cause damage. The heat from the tools are known to strip the hair of its natural moisture and nutrients which weakens the hair and leads to thinning of the edges.
  2. STRESS, GENETICS AND POOR DIETING: This aspect though ignored would always pop up it’s beautiful head because it is relevant. Stress and consumption of foods that lack the necessary nutrients needed by the body to stimulate growth can momentarily slow down hair growth. Finally, genetics determine the rate at which our hair grows while some are blessed with fast growth, others aren’t.
  3. CONSTANT FRICTION AND PRESSURE: This comes as a result of tight hairstyles, tight wigs or wigs that are glued to the hairline. On a closer look, when we take down these hairstyles, our front hair often breaks of too because it has been pulled.

Let’s go on to ways to prevent loss and encourage growth on this section. Here are 5 easy steps to prevent edge breakage

  1. Reduce pressure and friction on the front hair by avoiding tight hairstyles and handle front hair with utmost care so as not to pull the hair.
  2. Be mindful of the products and tools used. Always go for organic or safer products that do not contain these harmful chemicals. At Enchanting Naturals, our products are the least to worry about.
  3. Moisturize the hair frequently and avoid product build up. For instance, if you must lay your edges, always make sure you wash them out before bedtime especially with warm water.
  4. Eat foods that contain vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc as they stimulate growth on the inside and strengthen the hair.
  5. This last tip is like a hack. Use oils and do styles that make the edges appear fuller such as castor oil or side part to hide the empty spots and patches while waiting for the hair to grow back.

These tips are guaranteed to at least affect your edges positively. To create an even more dramatic positive hair growth result, we recommend you grab this FREE EBOOK CALLED 7 PROVEN STEPS TO REGROW FRONT HAIR. ITS 12 PAGES FILLED WITH PICTURES AND LINKS TO VIDEOS. AT THE END OF IT YOU WILL BE CLOSE TO A FRONT HAIR EXPERT WITH BETTER AND YOUR FRONT HAIR WILL THANK YOU.

It`s always a pleasure to hear your comments in the comment session. Have you tried these tips, what were your results? Are there more tips you think we should add? Tell us below.

Wrritten By Nicey Ogechi

Edited By Mayanna Maya (Harriet Omoweh),

For Enchanting Naturals…..connect with us below on instagram or facebook at enchantingnaturals.

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