Hey great hair lovers! So Every where on the web I come across complicated ways of doing this routine, so I’m going to share with you right now what this means and the most simplified way to get it done.

One of our clients just called last week to request a specially formulated oil for her skin. She was tired of applying thick creams and lotions especially as Nigeria is now in the heat season. Often times we do the same to our hair, loading it with alot of conditioners bla bla when the right oil mix can actually suprise us with magical results.

So what is a “HOT OIL TREATMENT?” Basically it involves heating up one or a mix of oils then applying it to the scalp and hair. After properly massaging it, you can wear a steaming cap (Electronic or just a shower cap) leave  it for some minutes then dab off the excess oil and voila! You just did a hot oil treatment.

Heat opens the cuticle of the hair and allows moisture to penetrate the hair shaft. This means the oils are not just sitting there like conditioners, they get working immediately because first, they’re already hot, second you cover the hair thus increase the speed of penetration, third, oils are generally lighter and less heavy than cream.


BEST OILS TO USE? We have our unique formula for creating a hot oil but generally the oils below are great to use. You can also try mixing them together in small quantities. Especially recommended is jojoba, argan and avocado oils.

Castor:  Castor oil is very thick and also good for moisturizing dry hair.  But what a lot of people don’t know is that it can strengthen your hair if it’s thin and brittle. whats more, it increases hair growth!

Olive: This is probably the most popular oil used because most people have some of this around the house.  Olive oil is good for protecting your ends from splitting/breaking. Here we recommend organic cold press olive oil.

Coconut Oil:  Coconut oil can really help soften your hair.  You can melt it by putting it in a container and sitting the container in warm water.

Argan:  This oil naturally hydrates your hair and enhances the elasticity.

Sweet Almond:  Great for smoothing the cuticle and it contains Vitamin E, which helps support optimal hair health.

avocado:  If you have super dry and frizzy hair, avocado oil is one of the best ones for moisturizing.  All those healthy fats are great for your hair.

Add one or two drops of tea tree oil if you have dandruff or itchy scalp. No more because tea tree oil is potent. A little goes along way.


Biko, Ejoor, Please,Abeg don’ use a microwave. It will kill all the wonderful nutrients you’re trying to incorporate into your hair.

1. Warm your oil mixture by heating plain water on the stove.  Wait until the water is just about to boil and remove the pot from the stove.

2. Put the oil in a separate container (I use an applicator bottle) and place it in the pot of warm water until the oil warms up.

3. Test the oil on your wrist before using so you don’t burn yourself.

4. Section your hair into 4-6 sections to make distribution easier and less messy.

5. Use the applicator bottle to distribute the oil throughout each section.

6. Carefully massage the mixture into your scalp and be sure to coat your ends.

7. Cover your hair with a plastic cap and let the oil treatment sit on your hair for at least 30 minutes.

8. shampoo  and condition your hair as normal.

You can also simply wipe out the excess oil with a soft towel or old T-shirt. Lastly instead of shampooing you can simply rinse the hair with cold water. This will close all the open pores. Your hair will not only feel softer and break less, it will also have a healthy shine to it as well. And doing this treatment regularly like once or twice a month will incredibly speed up your hair growth. Guess worth, you dont have to do it yourself, next time you stop by a natural hair salon, simply request a hot oil treatment.

p.s Did you know that Indian, Moroccan and women from Eastern Africa (Fulani Tribe) have been doing hot oil treatments for centuries? Of course they dont call it “hot oil treatment” but its the same. For more hair, health, skin tips from Africa, Native America and Asia sign up to our newsletter.

Enjoy your fresher healthier hair.

With love as always from The enchantingnaturals team.

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