Many times, people get hurt, jealous, envious, and involved in unhealthy, toxic competitions because, of THE FEAR OF LACK. This operating from a place of lack has been the reasons for so many sibling rivalry, work competition, bitter envy, harmful gossip that literally twists the lips, money scams, hey…. even death.

The worst part is toxic bosses, toxic parents, narciccistic individuals and others with less than noble intentions can sense this scarcity mindset and then use it to manipulate people, pitch friends against each other and generally make life more difficult for those around them, who are not aware that they have this mindset. For starters though, what does a scarcity mindset represent and how does it manifest in behaviour and affect daily life?


A scarcity mindset is the deep, sitted belief that there is not enough to go around. That the good things will get exhausted before it gets to your turn or that if you do not hustle and fight for it now, whether using fair or crooked means, you will not get what is yours.

It can show up in a person`s behaviour in the following ways;

Jealousy, envy of others deemed as being in possession of the good resources, bitterness, a complaining spirit/attitude, not remembering when y ou received support because the mind is focused on perceived lack, a lack of gratitude for things received, pessimism, heavy critical or criticism outlook on life, a lack of faith that more can come, a negative attitude towards most challenges with the belief that the challenges cannot be conquered, lack of faith or minimum faith In other people with the belief that you have no support system, hoarding possessions even when others are in need and the hoarder does not necessarily need those possessions, unfavourable comparison of the self to others in ways that makes them better than the self, stringiness in giving out items or affection, a hard or overly toughened attitude towards life or others, and ultimately, low self-esteem and low self-worth.


It is important to note that everything in this list does not have to apply to you for your mindset to be one of scarcity. If anything on the above list triggers you or makes you feel uncomfortable, that is a sign to work on your mindset.

This list is not meant to bash or berate. It is instead meant to raise awareness. When there is awareness, a huge part of the problem is already solved.


If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you`ll say to this mountain, move and it will move.

Many times, challenges in our lives can be likened to mountains. They loom in the horizon, like dark ugly beasts threatening, to steal our joy. They could be anything but this article will not focus on that. The focus is that one look at the lush greens in creation or the afternoon sunlight or the roaring oceans should calm our hearts that there is abundance around us. Abundance, connecting to it starting from our mind is the cure of scarcity in out minds and lives. This is because thoughts create emotions and emotions are energies in motion…they can create or destroy depending on their nature. Read this again and let it sink in and you’ll feel the truth in it.

We only need to connect to that though and stay connected to it through out life. An abundance-filled mindset is full of gratitude that flows from the heart, for little things. This person believes the cup is always half cull, and there is more to come. Such a person is not given to envy. There is always the belief that there is more in creation to go around and that the sky is wide enough for everyone to fly.

As some people even put it, what is mine will not miss me by. Therefore, such a person is hardly depressed when things don’t work out their way initially. They possess the mindset that there are no mistakes just redirections and that with some patience what they seek they will find or something else that is better will open up.

This thankful outlook on life contributes to healthy relationships for the individual that is free from unhealthy competition and overall, they experience better mental health, less anxiety or worry about the future, and the best part is, the things they are seeking, they finally receive.

Abundance mindset operates from a place of fullness and gratitude, and good things/resources usually gravitate to happy places, and stay there because they feel appreciated. (Read the first part of the article for a list of what constitute good things/resources).

It is easy to see why anyone would want to cultivate an abundance mindset. There are plenty of benefits to be gained both instantly and over time. Sometimes though this can be a challenge to cultivate. Research has shown that the habits and belief we learn in childhood are wired into our brain chemistry in strong patterns. The wonderful news is that our brains are malleable and can be changed with the proper techniques.

This change then, helps us develop new beliefs and mindsets that creates positive changes in our lives from thriving jobs or businesses, to healthy friendships, relationships, health and so much more of the abundance we seek and that really, is already present around us. 

Wouldn`t you like to tap into that and create that wonderful life for yourself? Would you like to master the art of gratitude and learn key ways to cultivate an abundance filled mindset?

Then sign up as a Patreon where you will get access to the healing Exclusive contents of our members only Soul Spa lounge. Or use the newsletter form on this website to join our subscribers list. The benefits and perks will delight your soul. WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE TO DO,  DON’T SIT ON THE FENCE…SEE YOU ON THE SIDE OF ABUNDANCE.

Written by Mayanna Maya, For the Soul Spa at Enchanting Naturals

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