As simple as this question sounds, a lack of knowledge about the answer, can make you spend so much money on the wrong products. Since we all do not have careless cash to throw around for no reason (well, if you do have be sure to let us know in the comment session below we will surely take the fastest route to your house), we have taken out time to list the necessary or needed items for someone desiring to go natural.

Please note that there is nothing so extravagant or especially expensive about going natural, as it’s the popular opinion.  it’s just like every other thing in life you want to be prepared so you can avoid unnecessary resources wastage. After all when buying your million dollars weave, you do buy a comb and a serum, sometimes even rollers and other maintenance items.

So basically it’s the same procedure with your natural hair. Ok here goes, item number one is:

It’s the cheapest item on this list, often the most neglected but one of the most important. Kindly get one please. For more info on why this is necessary see the E-book, Grow your hair to this length available for download on THEthis site.

Silky Satin Bonnet

2: Daily Hair Moisturizer:
You would need this before combing your hair as natural hair can be dry and prone to breakage.

3: Healthy Natural shampoo. This is necessary to clean your hair but without drying it. Some shampoos contain alchohol and other scary ingredients so a word of caution.

You need this to follow up your shampoo to immediately neutralize the shampoos effect on your hair (in case of any negative effect), and to condition your hair.

5:    LEAVE IN CONDITIONER :  This is quite known by many; you need it as a replacement for popular petroleum jelly laden hair creams. It ensures your hair stays in optimal condition and freshness all day long.

6:   OILS:  Also highly neglected but extremely important step. You do not want to be buying different shampoo or conditioner every now and then when a few drops of the right oil can immediately change the function of your regular shampoo to suit your particular needs.

Some important oils to stock are castor, tea tree, mint, argan, jojoba and coconut oil.

7: Last but in no way the least item here, you need a small collection of wide tooth comb, some scarves, an old t-shirt, and possibly a few wigs.
Thanks for reading and cheers to your new long, healthy hair. Let us know if you got all the items on this list or if there is something you think we should add. Watch out for the next post, what to do if your natural hair is not growing (or you are experiencing stunted growth).

For more information on going natural and a more comprehensive list, many have found the book “GROW YOUR HAIR TO THIS LENGTH” available for download on this site to be a very useful asset. We hope this information helps someone. We love to hear from you, so let us know if it helps you!

With love,
The enchantingnaturals team.

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