GUAVA LEAVES ARE HERE-Wave Buh Bye to bad hair issues.

If you didn’t or you haven’t, you’re in for a surprise because this tree has got the answer to most of your hair issues. It is such a precious tree that we at Enchanting Naturals harvest its leaves and use it at our salon for customers. See image below (excuse the blurriness). Below are some very juicy benefits of guava leaves for your hair weather natural, relaxed or biracial.
Benefits from Guava Leaves
- Hair Fall Control
Anxiety, stress, exposure to factors such as pollution and UV radiation encourage damage to cells, resulting in the loss of hair. Research has shown that guava leaves are rich in anti-oxidants that combat oxidative stress, thereby strengthening the hair follicles and preventing hair fall.
- Preventing Balding
Bald patches, also known as bololo in our dear Nigerian pidgin, especially due to hormonal imbalances or other genetic conditions or other factors could surface and this usually is embarrassing especially when it occurs a bit too early in life. Not like there is ever a good time to go bald. B vitamins in guava leaves, which aid cell development, especially in hair follicles, and quercetin, are known to improve the strength of hair follicles, helping to tackle and prevent bald patches.
Guava leaves have also been found to reduce blood sugar levels after food, which may help reduce hair loss directly.

- Hair Growth Stimulation
Guava leaves are rich in Vitamin C and B Vitamins which nourish the hair follicles, helping to boost collagen activity in them. This aids faster and healthier growth of the hair.
- Treatment of Dandruff
Containing anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, Guava leaves can be used to treat scalp issues, stimulating the immune system and getting rid of dandruff.
- Maintaining Scalp and Hair Health
Lycopene contained in guava leaves have been known to play a major role in improving blood circulation, and this helps to provide the scalp with nutrients from the body. Lycopene also protects the hair from UV radiation and other environmental damages.
You also do not need to worry about build up as guava leaves help to remove build up and unclog the hair follicles, thus improving scalp health.
- Preventing Premature Graying
Studies have shown that Guava leaves might aid the production of melanin which improves the color of the hair, giving it a richer, darker color. This can be helpful even if you don’t have grey strands as they will prevent them from coming out anyway…win-win.
As Guava leaves are natural, they are safe to use unlike the popular chemical filled products out there. It’s just pure goodness all the way! So why not try adding guava juice to your deep conditioner on your next wash day or rinsing your hair with a self-made guava tea (made with guava leaves soaked in hot water, remember to make the water warm before applying to your hair!!). You can also add it to your shampoo when washing your hair.
Don’t have a guava tree in your area, don’t worry or go hunting in the bush. You can get our Guava Leaf powder, click here to get fresh guava leaves /powder.
At a glance, here are some other benefits of guava leaves
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Enchanting Naturals.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to diagnose or cure any condition. Please consult your health practitioner before trying out alternative remedies. All suggestions are opinions of Enchanting Naturals and should be understood in that light.
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