We all feel down at times, whether from our exhaustive daily activities as we retire, or not having enough cash in hand, or losing someone dear to us.


Without doubt, there are periods of highs and lows in the life of most people, however– when there is a constant feeling of not being worthy and overwhelming unhappiness, it may not be considered as one merely being sad.

Usually, this sadness may not be blamed on events but may have to do with the chemistry and brain makeup. About 1 in 10 adults in society may experience depression in their lifetime. It’s a phenomenal mostly ignored, and may remain not diagnosed among a large group of people.

When depressed, life becomes uninteresting, the need to enjoy oneself is greatly reduced and other illnesses can quickly render the victim lose all hope.But there are answers and ways to cope with clinical depression. And while it is now discussed by health professionals and care givers on how to alleviate the problem, I believe some remedy can help you or someone you know suffering get better.

1. Do regular exercises:

Whether it is jogging for about 25 minutes everyday after waking, or before retiring to sleep. Doing push-ups or using a skipping rope, anything that makes the body metabolism have an adrenaline rush causes the secretion of serotonin to the brain, and reliefs depression. This should be done every day to gain an optimal result.

2. Take a daily dose of Ginseng Root:

Ginseng is a herb that originated from China. It is used as a sexual enhancer and also has traditional anti-depressant properties. It is usually marketed as a form of tea or capsule. Ginseng secretes in the brain, serotonin– a neurotransmitter that affects our mood significantly and makes us happier.

3. Sleep Moderately:

Depression usually causes its sufferers to sleep at the noon and may keep them awake all through the night. It can also make them sleep during the day and at night for fairly long hours. Setting a goal to be awake after about 7 hours of sleep at night is helpful to lessen the negative effects of depression. What you should do is set an alarm that is fairly loud close to you, and force yourself out of sleep. You can also consider having someone who wakes you up regularly to get your day started and productive.

4. Using an SSRI antidepressant:

There are several antidepressants prescribed by a psychiatric doctor depending on your signs and symptoms. What anti-depressants do is to cause sad feelings of despair reduced. It keeps you back in shape and one is able to enjoy life again. An example of an SSRI anti-depressant is Zoloft. When prescribed these medicines, it may take sometime to work– therefore a regular dose is necessary. And do not stop taking them suddenly except your doctor advises you to. Your underlining illness may return if stopped abruptly.

5. Have a peer group:

Joining a group of “equally concerned” people who suffer from the same condition or have recovered, with a professional serving as a guide or moderator can help you a long way to give insights that improves your condition. This sort of group usually gets together once a day or have a fixed schedule during the week highlighting survival techniques, the dos and don’ts to having a healthy lifestyle.

6. Eat healthy foods:

Emphasis on the sort of food we eat plays a major part on how healthy we become. People suffering from depression need to avoid eating toast, processed foods, drinking soda, coffee, energy drinks and alcohol. Taking antioxidants foods such as sweet potato, carrots and spinach can help. Also oranges, foods rich in Vitamin E such as vegetable oil and margarine are good to combat depression. Sources of protein such as chicken, fish and turkey may help you make serotonin, boost your mood and clear your mind. Lastly, add Omega 3 Fatty acids to your meal. You should eat sardine, salmon and tuna fish.

7. Pray and believe in a higher power:

When things are not going well generally, we can find solace in connecting to a higher source. This may be challenging  as depression may even prevent us from wanting to believe there is a higher, stronger energy or even a God. We are not here to convince you to do any but even just taking the baby steps of looking at the bright glorious afternoon sun or the oceans can send calming energy down rigid spines.

It can also help you pause to reflect on ither possibilities you may bot have considered such as the presence  of a God, prayer and so on. Scientists have shown that most people who recovered  faster from chronic illness or sugery often have a belief in a stronger power. Its also ok to understand that you don’t  understand it all. Perhaps the reason you are sad or depressed or why you in the first instance. What is important is simply trying to connect to something  bigger than you and trusting that the gloom will pass even if ts slow in passing. THERES NO RUSH.

Do not allow anyone tell you that you feel depressed or down because you have poor faith. Sinply try to surround yourself with energies and people that are supportive, validating and positive whether they are online or in the physical space.

A good example of this is our soon to be launched members only platform where you can connect with other upbuilding people and even join a live connection event online or in your city if near by.

Either  way it promises  to be fun, positive and supportive…just what we need to thrive despite depression.

We send you lots of sunlight, wonderful sleep and wonderful thoughts.

#Edited by Harriet Omoweh

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